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Organisational Structure









Biosecurity Division, Department of Agriculture and Agrifood, Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism was established on July 2012.



  • To protect economy, environment and local agricultural production, social amenity or human health against exotic plant and animal pests and diseases.
  • To strengthen pre-border, border and post-border measures related to Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS).
  • To provide an internationally accepted certification service, hence facilitating agricultural trade.



  • To regulate importation of agricultural commodities, based on desk-audit (risk based management) approval, import risk analysis or plant pest risk analysis, prior to importation approval;
  • To strengthen traceability by mandatory registration for commercial importers;
  • To manage agricultural quarantine stations, as well as to inspect and approve application for authorized quarantine areas;
  • To issue import permits and approval transit for agricultural commodities intended to be imported and transited into Brunei Darussalam;
  • To facilitate and provide advisory services on the compliance of import and export condition for plant and animal commodities;
  • As a Competent Authority for the issuance of Phytosanitary Certificate and Veterinary Health Certificate for agricultural commodities intended to be exported from Brunei Darussalam;
  • To conduct document and physical inspection for verification of plant pest and animal diseases screening purposes at the port of entry in Brunei Darussalam before being released to the importer;
  • To detain any non-compliance consignment at the port of entry for further appropriate actions;
  • To implement food safety program of imported agricultural commodities by monitoring agrochemical pesticide maximum residue limit (MRL) and veterinary drug residues and microbiological contamination for laboratory analyses;
  • To monitor and inspect detained imported agricultural commodities at authorized post-entry quarantine premises;
  • As a national and international focal point for Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures in relation to plant and animal commodities;
  • As the secretariat for the National Sanitary and Phytosanitary Committee;
  • To facilitate and ensure agricultural commodities for export to meet the import requirements from the importing countries.




Biosecurity administration

Telephone: 2382822 ext 2127, 2125 or 2129



            First floor,

                                     Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism,

Jalan Menteri Besar,

                Bandar Seri Begawan BB3910,

              Negara Brunei Darussalam.


Import Permit Counter (Help desk) Telephone No : 2382822 ext 2014